JOINing in to Raise Up Massachusetts

JOIN fellows, alumni and staff braved chilly winds to Raise Up Massachusetts at the State House this morning! Over 400 workers, clergy, parents and organizers crowded the State House steps and met with legislators to call for a raise in the Massachusetts minimum wage — one that includes a hike for tipped workers and that would increase with the cost of living.
Visit today to contact your legislator and ask them to the right thing for working people across Massachusetts. JOIN us!
Pictured above are JOIN fellows and alumni Rachie Lewis, Jake McIntosh, Shaina Kasper, Rose Levy, Julie Aronowitz, Dan Lesser and Erica Rothschild. JOIN Director Karla Van Praag attended, along with new staffers Stacy Cotter and Christy Pardew. Other JOIN fellows and alumni were present as well.
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