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photo credit: Jews United for Justice
This is what it feels like to be part of a movement. Days like today don’t happen very often – days when we can celebrate shared victories across the country and know that the hard work of Jewish organizations helped make them possible.
Take a moment and read each of the victories below. They were incredibly hard-fought and represent the passions and values of our community. As Simon Greer explains, “Jewish organizations thrive when they provide ways for the Jewish community to connect with a deeper purpose,” such as social justice. The Jewish social justice victories of this week, and the unprecedented collaboration behind them, will invigorate and energize our movement.
- Bend the Arc: A Jewish Partnership for Justice helped pass Proposition 30 in California, a progressive tax increase to invest in schools, public safety and state infrastructure
- Jewish Community Action helped defeat constitutional amendments in Minnesota that would have banned same-sex marriage and require photo IDs to vote
- Jews United for Justice helped pass Maryland ballot measures for marriage equality and the Dream Act, providing in-state tuition discounts to undocumented students
- National Council of Jewish Women helped defeat ballot measures in Florida that would have taken away reproductive health care for women and allowed for public funding of religious schools and programs
- Jewish Council on Urban Affairs, in collaboration with immigrant rights groups, educated and mobilized immigrant voters in Chicago
- JCRC of Greater Boston, JCRC of Greater Detroit, Uri L’Tzedek and the National Council of Jewish Women in Pittsburgheducated hundreds of Jews on a range of social justice issues through candidate forums and events
- These successes – and so many more! – were supported by the excellent trainings led by JOIN for Justice this past spring, and our talented coaches:
Meir Lakein, Director of Organizing and Karla van Praag, Executive Director of JOIN for Justice
Nommi Nadich, Associate Director of Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Boston
Vic Rosenthal, Executive Director of Jewish Community Action
Every day, I am proud to be part of the Jewish social justice movement. Today, I’m proud to announce from the rooftops that we won! Not only did we collaborate, build capacity together and leverage resources effectively, but yesterday’s victories also will make America a more just, equitable place that reflects our values. May the Jewish Social Justice Roundtable go from strength to strength.