SEA Change

Image Description: “SEA CHANGE Study | Engage | Act” written to the left of a swelling wave

SEA Change is a catalyst for congregational racial justice.

SEA Change trains congregations to organize and tackle racial injustice within and beyond their communities. SEA Change includes specialized training, coaching, and campaigns targeted specifically at issues of racial justice and leadership development, led by expert trainers Megan Black, deirdra reed, Jordan Berg Powers, Catherine Bell,  Jeannie Appleman, and David Schwartz.

Since 2020, 14 synagogues and 180+ individuals have participated in SEA Change in Washington, DC/DMV, Boston, and Atlanta  – including major Reform, Conservative, independent and Reconstructionist congregations.  As a result of SEA Change, these synagogues have participated in meaningful community-based campaigns to increase affordable housing, win paid family medical leave, and address local environmental concerns. As a result of SEA Change participating institutions have also expanded membership, recruited new board and committee members, introduced popular new adult education programming, and created new affinity spaces for LGBTQ+ congregants and congregants of color, to name a few!

Over seven months, clergy and lay leader teams from SEA Change congregations engage in virtual training and in-person seminars on racial equity and organizing issues. They also lead teams to assess their own congregations’ inclusiveness, build relationships with local community-based organizations led by People of Color, and work across congregations and denominations to act together for justice.  

Your SEA Change Trainers


SEA Change has been named among Slingshot’s 10 to Watch!

“SEA Change has made a tremendous difference in our community and it can in yours as well. [It involves] the marriage of organizing – which itself is a key set of approaches that brings new members into leadership and jazzes people about why we do what we do – [and] the intensive anti-racism work that needs to be done. Communities like ours think that we’re a little further than we are; there is work to be done, and SEA Change can help with that work.” -Rabbi Dobb, lay leader at Adat Shalom Congregation

The SEA Change racial equity training led by JOIN trainers at my synagogue has had a very significant impact on the direction of the congregation as a whole. The clergy and Board are doing strategic planning, and because of the SEA Change experience, social justice work will be central to the congregation’s vision going forward.-Laura Loeb, lay leader at Washington Hebrew Congregation

Our participation in SEA Change has been a transformative experience for our congregational community. The shared experience of learning, training, and taking a deep dive into an assessment of race equity within our synagogue has strengthened relationships and provided a sense of sacred partnership that extends into every aspect of synagogue life.”– Rabbi Susan Shankman, Washington Hebrew Congregation

We are grateful to congregational leaders Marla Schulman of B’nai Israel and Karen Herron of Washington Hebrew and their rabbis, whose leadership and collaboration were essential in creating the original SEA Change pilot. (You can read Karen’s reflections on SEA Change here.)