JOIN for Justice Board member Terry Yoffie hosted a fun and unique evening of storytelling and community at her lovely home in early June.
Playing off the theme of “shift,” storytellers—The Red Tent author Anita Diamant and her daughter, JOIN alumna Emilia Diamant (pictured below); Real Food Challenge Founder and Director Anim Steel (pictured above); JOIN Fellow Chloe Zelkha; and JOIN for Justice Board member Rabbi Noah Farkas (video below)—entertained and moved us all as they shared their stories.
Rabbi Noah Farkas, JOIN board member and co-founder of the Seminary Leadership Project told of his shift of perspective at the White House annual Hannukah party:
Enjoy each of the SHIFT stories on JOIN’s YouTube channel.
Guests had a chance to share stories with one another and with the crowd.
At JOIN for Justice, we believe stories matter. Stories create connections between people, helping them find common interests. Stories are emotional; they make us laugh or cry, rage or remember. Stories are how we share our history, from generation to generation. Join us as we continue to use stories to create a better world!
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All photos by Christy Pardew.